The Second Senate of the Court Proceeded to the In-Camera Part of the Plenary Session for a Decision in the Case upon the Constitutional Complaint of O. Abramovych

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On March 15, at the public part of the plenary session, in the form of written proceedings, the Second Senate deliberated the case upon the constitutional complaint of Oleksii Abramovych regarding the conformity of Article 39.1.2 of the Housing Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) with the Constitution of Ukraine.

Judge-rapporteur in the case Viktor Horodovenko informed that the applicant appealed to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to examine the constitutionality of the Code's provision, according to which “citizens are registered in need of improvement of housing conditions” at their place of residence - by the executive committee of the district, city, district in the city, settlement, village council with the participation of the public commission on housing issues, established under the executive committee".

The applicant believes that as a result of the application of Article 39.1.2 of the Code in his case in the final court decision, he was discriminated against on the basis of “place of residence” and the constitutional right to housing, guaranteed by Article 47.2 of the Constitution of Ukraine, was violated.

The Judge-rapporteur pointed out that in order to ensure a full-fledged and objective deliberation of the case, he sent inquiries to state authorities, scientific institutions and establishments of higher education to deliver opinions on the issues raised in the constitutional complaint.

The Second Senate examined the materials of the case in the public part of the plenary session and proceeded to the in-camera part for a decision.

The public part of the plenary session is available on the official website of the Court in the section “Archive of video broadcasts of sessions”.



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© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine