In April 2022, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine held 21 meetings and adopted 85 acts of the Court

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The Constitutional Court of Ukraine, under martial law and during a special period, continues to exercise its constitutional functions.

Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine hold plenary sessions and sessions of the Grand Chamber of the Court, sessions of the Senates of the Court and Boards of judges of the Court.

In April, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine held 21 sessions and adopted 85 acts of the Court. Among such acts are 73 rulings of the Grand Chamber of the Court; 4 resolutions of the Court; 2 decisions of the Senates of the Court; 1 ruling of the Senate of the Court; 5 rulings of the Boards of judges of the Court.

Public officials of the Court’s Secretariat, for objective reasons, ensure that the assigned tasks are performed remotely or directly in the administrative building of the Court.

The Deputy Chairman (acting Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in accordance with Article 33 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”) issued an order dated April 5, 2022 “On the organisation of the work of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”, which instructed the Head of the Secretariat to ensure the work of the Secretariat, taking into account security and available resources. The Head of the Secretariat issued an order by which these issues were settled (dated 04/08/2022 No. 4/04/2022-OD).

Consequently, such issues as the procedure for the work of public officials in the administrative building directly at their workplaces, remote work and registration of downtime have been rationed.

At the same time, the public officials of the Secretariat and judges’ patronage services ensure the proper work of the judges of the Court in order to exercise the basic powers of the Constitutional Court. In particular, they continue to prepare materials for holding sessions of the Court, accept and process constitutional complaints, requests for public information and appeals received by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, etc.

So, in April, 10 constitutional complaints were lodged sith the Court. According to the results of their preliminary check, 6 constitutional complaints were distributed to the judges-rapporteurs. 4 constitutional complaints were returned to the subjects of the right to constitutional complaints as they did not meet the formal requirements established by the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”.

Also during this time, the Secretariat of the Court prepared and sent 13 responses to requests for public information and appeals from citizens, received for consideration.



Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine