29 Court Hearings Held during Two Weeks

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29 Court Hearings Held during Two Weeks

12-26 February 2021, 3 special plenary hearings, 8 plenary hearings and 6 hearings of the Grand Chamber were held at the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Upon the results of the special plenary hearings, 2 rulings on introducing amendments to the personal composition of senates and those of boards of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine were adopted. At its plenary hearings, the Grand Chamber continued to examine 5 cases (in-camera parts), and 1 case was considered at the public part in the form of written proceedings. 7 rulings were also adopted at the Grand Chamber hearings.

The Second Senate of the Constitutional Court, at the in-camera parts of 7 plenary sessions, continued to consider 5 cases upon constitutional complaints. Upon the results of their consideration, 2 rulings on termination of constitutional proceedings in the cases were adopted.

The boards of judges held 5 hearings during which 7 rulings were adopted, in particular: upon the constitutional complaints ‒ 5 rulings on refusal to initiate the constitutional proceedings (unanimously); upon the constitutional petition ‒ 1 rulings on initiating constitutional proceedings in the case, the case files of which were transferred to the Grand Chamber for consideration; 1 rulings on election of the secretary of the board.

Within the reported period, 1 constitutional petition and 16 constitutional complaints were filed with the Constitutional Court.

Upon the results of preliminary examination, one constitutional petition and 5 constitutional complaints were distributed among judges-rapporteurs. 10 constitutional complaints were returned to the applicants, as such that did not meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” as to their form. 1 constitutional complaint is being processed by the Court’s Secretariat.

Furthemore, the Court’s Secretariat processed and drafted over 70 replies to inquiries on public information and citizen’s appeals.

The Court was also engaged in online meetings. On 22 February expert discussions of the Chairman and judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with rapporteurs and experts of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe were held.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine