19 March. The court held a session: the case upon the constitutional petition of the Supreme Court and issued a number of rulings considered

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19 March 2024


On Tuesday, 19 March 2024, the Grand Chamber proceeded with consideration of the case upon the constitutional petition of the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of Article 34.1.11, paragraph 10-1 of Section XIII “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Procedures” No. 1404-VIII dated June 2, 2016, paragraphs 5-1, 5-2 of Section III “Transitional and Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine "On Peculiarities of Establishment of Joint Stock Company of Public Railway Transport” No. 4442-VI dated February 23, 2012.

The Court will proceed with its consideration at one of the next plenary sessions.

The Grand Chamber also extended until 18 April this year the deadline for the boards of judges of the Court to issue rulings on initiating or refusing to initiate constitutional proceedings in the cases upon constitutional complaints of Volodymyr Chaikin and Aeroc Investment Deutschland GmbH.

On the same day, a session of the Third Board of Judges of the Second Senate was held. The judges considered the issue of initiating constitutional proceedings in cases upon constitutional complaints.

Based on the results of the consideration, the board of judges initiated constitutional proceedings in cases upon constitutional complaints of:

- Eduard Dudkevych on the constitutionality of paragraph 1.17 of Section I of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Optimisation of Labour Relations” No. 2352-IX dated July 1, 2022;

- Reinir Business Group Limited Liability Company regarding the constitutionality of the provisions of Articles 23.3.1, 23.4.1, 23.4.2, 23.4.3 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prosecution Service” No. 1697-VII dated  October 14, 2014.

The judges will consider the issues related to the constitutional proceedings in these cases at a session of the Second Senate.



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© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine