In June the Constitutional Court of Ukraine held 38 sessions and adopted 29 acts

Версія для друку


July 3, 2023

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine held 38 sessions in June, including: 10 plenary sessions of the Grand Chamber and 8 sessions of the Grand Chamber of the Court; 1 Court session; 6 plenary sessions and 1 session of the First Senate of the Court; 1 plenary session and 1 session of the Second Senate of the Court; 10 sessions of the boards of judges of the First and Second Senates of the Court.

At these sessions, 29 acts of the Court were adopted, including: 9 rulings of the Grand Chamber of the Court; 1 resolution of the Court; 3 rulings of the First Senate; 1 resolution of the Second Senate; 15 rulings of the boards of judges of the First and Second Senates of the Court.

(Detailed information on the results of the proceedings is available on the Court's website).

38 constitutional complaints were lodged with the Court. According to the results of the preliminary examination, 24 constitutional complaints were distributed among the judges of the Court. 14 constitutional complaints were returned to subjects of the right to a constitutional complaint as those that did not meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”.

The Court Secretariat also prepared and sent 52 responses to requests for public information and appeals from citizens.



Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine